Таблица перевода единиц измерения давления

Единицыбармм рт.ст.мм вод.ст.атм (физич.)кгс/м2кгс/см2 (технич. атм.)
1 бар 1 750.064 10197,16 0.986923 10.1972 ∙ 103 1,01972 105 100 0.1
1 мм рт.ст. 1.33322 ∙10-3 1 13,5951 1.31579 ∙10-3 13,5951 13.5951 ∙10-3 133.322 133.322 ∙10-3 133.322 ∙10-6
1 мм вод.ст. 98.0665 ∙10-6 73.5561 ∙ 10 -3 1 96.7841 ∙10-6 1 0.1∙10-3 9.80665 9.80665 ∙10-3 9.80665 ∙10-6
1 атм 1.01325 760 10.3323 ∙103 1 10.3323∙ 103 1.03323 101.325 ∙ 103 101.325 101.325 ∙10-3
1 кгс/м2 98,0665 ∙10-6 73.5561 ∙ 10 -3 1 96.7841 ∙10-6 1 0.1∙10-3 9.80665 9.80665 ∙10 -3 9.80665 ∙10-6
1 кгс/см2 0,980665 735.561 10000 0.967841 10000 1 98.0665 ∙ 103 98.0665 98.0665 ∙10-3
1 Па 10 -5 7.50064 ∙10-3 0,1019716 9.86923  ∙10-6 101.972 ∙ 10-3 10.1972 ∙10-6 1 10 -3 10 -6
1 кПа 0.01 7.50064 101,9716 9.86923 ∙10-3 101.972 10.1972 ∙10-3 103 1 10 -3
1 МПа 10 7.50064 ∙103 101971,6 9.86923 101.972 ∙103 10.1972 106 103 1

К системе СИ относятся:                    Инженерные единицы:

1 бар = 0,1 Мпа                              1 мм рт.ст. = 13.6 мм вод.ст.
1 бар = 10197.16 кгс/м2                  1 мм вод.ст. = 0.0001кгс/см2
1 бар = 10 Н/см2                                      1 мм вод.ст. = 1 кгс/м2
                                                                       1 атм = 101.325 ∙ 10Па

1 Па = 1000МПа
1 МПа = 7500 мм. рт. ст.
1 МПа = 106 Н/м2

Scope of activity:

Main direction -
SCTB ElPA quartz crystal resonators are ideal for microprocessor, portable, communication, computer, and other time management applications. SCTB ElPA transducers products are successfully used in such diverse fields as laboratory instrumentation, process control, meteorology and hydrology, energy exploration.
Products and services


LLC "SKTB ELPA" - the only Russian enterprise, leading the development and producing his body of quartz sensors are designed to convert with high accuracy the physical parameters (temperature, pressure, acceleration, increase of mass, weight), frequency-electrical signal


Converters, along with high reliability and low power consumption, have a resolution of up to 0.003% and an accuracy of 0.03% (for pressure transducers) and 0.05°C (for temperature sensors), which achieved even under different climatic conditions


If among our products You can not find what You need, we are always happy to fulfil Your individual order, taking into account all of Your requirements. Supply of products of LLC "SKTB ELPA" is made by mail, or, if it suits You, you can get it in Moscow, our representative.


29 November 2018 1668

Quartz pressure and temperature sensors for hydrological research

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